Wear A Hat Day
24th March 2016
What is Wear A Hat Day?
Wear A Hat Day is a campaign set up by charity "Brain Tumour Research" in order to raise awareness of brain tumours and raise funds to move #CloserToACure. We at Fun 'n' Frolic completely support this cause and are willing to donate whenever a customer mentions the charity when purchasing a hat from us.To donate please visit www.braintumourresearch.org/donate for more information.
A few suggestions
Here a few suggestions of what hat to wear on the 24th of March or you can simply visit www.funnfrolic.co.uk for the full range.
Fez Hat
Web Price: £2.79
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Web Price: £2.79
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In Memorial of Paul Daniels
We at Fun 'N' Frolic would like to dedicate this blog post to the late great Paul Daniels who passed away shortly after being diagnosed with a brain tumour. Paul was a visitor to our store on a number of occasions and we are saddened by his passing. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.

Fun 'N' Frolic Ltd
Richfield Avenue
0118 950 8597