Friday, 6 June 2014

5 DIY Outdoor Party Games

Bean Bag Toss/ Cornhole

Cornhole is a fun outdoor game played similarly to horseshoes except you throw bean bag at a board, laid at an incline with a hole cut in it.  It is preferable to make the board with wood but you can also try out cardboard such as one done by Missy Balance that also act as a photo backdrop.

Balloon Pop

Take a plywood or wallboard and attach cork squares to it to make a dartboard. Lean it against a tree or fence. Completely cover the board with blown up balloons using tape or thumbtacks.  Cordon off the area to prevent injuries and with continual adult supervision, have party guests take turns trying to pop the balloon using the darts with plastic tips. When the balloon pops they get the prizes inside. To do this just add in the party favors before you blow up the balloon, for more detail, here is a tutorial from Off Beat Families.

source: Teachpreschool

Garden Twister

To play twister in the garden for a party, paint in the colours using a cardboard with a circle cut out on the garden. Make the grid larger depending on the number of party guests.

Outdoor Bowling/Ring Toss

Fill in plastic bottles with coloured water for lawn bowling or ring toss. To make the ring, just use a nylon rope wrapped in a duck tape or use colourful large size braceletes.
source: Susquehannastyle
source: Teachpreschool

Toppling Tug of War

 A twist to the original tug of war, make the players stand on milk cart or a small chair and  have them pull their opponent off the chair to be the winner.

source: Bhg

If you have any party games you want to share then leave us a comment below. Follow our pinterest board for more ideas.

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